I am a young programmer passionate about video game development. I leverage my creativity and technical skills to tackle new challenges, aiming to enhance my versatility.By clicking on the section at the top of the screen, you will find a selection of my projects and skills.

As I am currently open to both remote and on-site work, you can contact me through the following means :

Personal projects

This is my most ambitious project yet. By blending elements that resonate with me, I've crafted a game that reflects my vision, free from competition, scores, or pressure.SPIDER-BOTS is a local multiplayer cooperative game developed on Unreal Engine.
From pre-production to post-production, I handled all the documentation, programming such as gameplay, networking, animations, shaders... and composed adaptive music using Music Maker Jam 2.
Additionally, I enlisted the help of 3 artists without whom this project wouldn't have been as visually stunning. Thanks to the SCRUM methodology, we successfully completed this project.

Call of Titan
Duration : 72 hours
Game jam's them : Summoning
Collaboration with : 1 artist

Abri (Trailer coming soon)
is a very modest game where I discovered the constraints and limitations of developing for mobile. Still in development, I will publish it on Google Play very soon.

Kick that anchor up
Duration : 72 hours
Jam thems : Bottom, Anchor, Galon
Collaboration with : 1 artist
It is a custom physics-based game developed on Unity

Wo/ander Pets (Trailer coming soon)
Duration : 72 hours
Game Jam's Them : Parody
Collaboration with : 3 artists and 1 pro sound designer
It's a parody of Pokemon.
If you win, there will be a present for you in the download folder.

School Projects

Not a schoolI began learning Unreal Engine through this project. We were three programmers, and I enlisted many other students to sketch and model characters.My contribution :
I programmed enemy AI, implemented gameplay mechanics such as hacking, and textured characters, assets and environments, including creating shaders.

Pinball : Bill's Odyssey
is my first Unity 3D project.
My contribution :
I handled all ball and asset mechanics, modeling, artistic direction, level design, and mini-flipper implementation.

is a 2D platoformer We made in Unity.
My contribution :
I handled the coding for secondary gameplay mechanics, menu navigation, and contributed to the level design.

Code snippets